The Wedding Celebration of
Charlotte and Mike

He determines the number of the stars
and calls them each by name.

Psalm 147:4

(Pictured above: Hubble Space Telescope photo of one of
God’s most beautiful creations -- the star Eta Carinae, which
exploded in 1841, creating this spectacular nebula.
Each lobe of gas is about the size of our solar system.)

Wedding Celebration of
Charlotte Jerscheid and Michael Marek

The United Church of Christ, Congregational
Vermillion, South Dakota

May 30, 1998

Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe


Journey through the Stars
-Goldsmith (arr. Thomson)



Congregational Hymn
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee, No. 4

Genesis 1:1, 14-18
Psalm 147:1, 3-5
John 1:1-3
"Unforgettable" --Star Trek: Voyager

Pastor Steve Miller

Special Music
Sinfonia, Movement #3, Vivace

Declaration of Intention

Pledge of Support


Exchange of Rings

Announcement of Marriage


Family Candle Lighting
Morning Has Broken
-trad. Gaelic


Ode to Joy


Wedding Party

Maid of Honor
Sara Fidler

Honorary Bridesmaids
Rosemary Ighel
JoEllen Friedrichsen
Sandra Erickson

Bride’s Escort
Erich Jerscheid

Best Man
Alan Lundy

David Breyfogle
Gene Friedrichsen

Rev. Steve Miller

Phyllis Noble, Bruce Smith

Organist: Jack Noble

String Quartet:
John Thomson, Violin
Owen DeJong, Violin
Darin Miller, Viola
Richard Rognstad, Cello

Jean Thomson

Reception Assistants
UCC Women’s Fellowship


We invite our guests to shower us with birdseed
as we descend the steps outside the front of the church
before proceeding to the Social Hall for the Reception

Wedding Notes

Charlotte & Mike first became acquainted in a Star Trek message group via computer in 1989 -- Mike in Sioux Falls and Charlotte in Baltimore. They met in person for the first time in August, 1995, when Mike attended a conference in Washington, D.C.; Charlotte and Erich drove from Baltimore to spend a few hours with him.

In January 1997, when Charlotte and Erich grew tired of "big city life," Mike extended an invitation to move to Vermillion. By the end of April, Charlotte had been offered employment at USD, with the help of prayers by the members of the United Church of Christ, Congregational, Vermillion, and the Catonsville United Methodist Church, Catonsville, Maryland.

May 30 is the anniversary of the first full day Charlotte and Erich spent as residents of Vermillion. It is also the birthday of Michael Piller, co-creator and executive producer of the television series Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and the birthday of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine co-star Colm Meaney.

The Special Music played by the string quartet was written by Mike’s father, the late Dr. Robert C. Marek.

The roses placed on the front pews are in memory of the mothers of the Bride and Groom, Leona P. Marek and Josephine Somerlock.

Charlotte’s father, Oscar Somerlock, Jr., was unable to travel from Baltimore to be here today. He will be present when Charlotte and Mike reaffirm their vows at Catonsville United Methodist Church in August.

The Family Candle lit by Charlotte, Mike and Erich during the ceremony was created by April Zeman, as a wedding gift.