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Bird-ready hunter

You have to experience Pheasant Crest!

In this section of our web site we will try to provide most of the information you will need or would like to know.

Just remember, mere words can't capture the fun and excitement of the real thing!


The Land

Pheasant Crest field

The Pheasant Crest Ranch has been in our family for over 80 years and is a working ranch focused primarily on grain and cattle.  Comprised of over 12,000 acres, the ranch provides an incredible variety of terrain and breathtaking scenery.

From wooded shelter-belts to rolling grassland and seemingly infinite crop fields, the hunting is never boring or predictable (well, some things are we know your going to see a lot of birds and have a really great time!)  At Pheasant Crest we provide a well maintained fleet of field vehicles to provide comfortable transportation to and from the hunting areas (which are never more than 10 miles from the lodge). 

Because of the vastness of the ranch we always review the days hunt ahead of time on maps so everyone knows where they are on any given day.  What a thrill it is to hear the guide say..."Get ready, we're pushing about a hundred birds your way!" What is truly amazing about this area is how it has evolved in to one of the premiere Pheasant hunting habitats in the world.  What most people don't realize is that you need a combination of environmental factors to ensure a hearty Pheasant Population. 

Many years ago, hunters, ranchers and environmentalists realized the need to balance the land habitat by reducing farmed areas, and increasing nesting grounds.  With corn, Milo, sunflowers, grain and many other crops as far as the eye can see, there is obviously no food shortage for the birds, but nesting grounds were getting scarce.

The solution was the CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) program.  This government sponsored program provides incentives for farmers and ranchers to set aside tracts of land that provide natural nesting grounds for game birds and other animals. 

The results are impressive.  Since the CRP program was started, the Pheasant population has had a dramatic increase in the last 5 years.  The hearty vegetation of the CRP areas not only provides nesting areas, but cover from winter storms as well.

Bird flushed from cover

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The Pheasant Population

Birds in flight

As mentioned above, changes in land management have resulted in explosive growth in Pheasant populations. 

Hunters who thought they had hunted the best areas in the US in other states such as Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa come to Pheasant Crest / South Dakota and are totally impressed!  Most hunters claim to have seen 5 to 10 times more birds in South Dakota than in other surrounding states.

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South Dakota Hunting Styles

Hunter in the field

Many different styles of hunting Pheasants have evolved over the years and at Pheasant Crest we employ all the popular styles to accommodate terrain and vegetation.  Small groups can effectively hunt wooded areas, but larger groups can more effectively hunt the large open areas such as crop fields and grasslands. 

One such technique used is the Driving & Blocking Technique.  This style allows for good coverage and action for just about everyone. Groups of 8 to 15 hunters are well suited for this type of hunting.  With larger groups up to 5 dogs may be used. Safety is one of Pheasant Crest's number one priorities. We make sure everyone is comfortable with the their guns, and with the terrain they will be hunting in before taking to the field. We also rotate walkers and blockers. That way everyone will get a variety of shots at flushing birds and more than a few chances at fast action pass shooting.

Dog with retrieved birds

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A Typical Day at Pheasant Crest

Sunrise at Pheasant Crest    

Early Morning

Coffee, muffins, bagels and fruit. Watch the beautiful South Dakota sunrise.

7:30 - 8:30 a.m.

Hot breakfast in the Lodge.

8:30 - 9:30 a.m.

Warm up your skills with sporting clays.

10:00 a.m.

Start Hunting

1:00 p.m.


2:00 p.m.

Back to the action!

5:30 p.m.

Return to the lodge for Hors d'oeuvres and beverages, and discuss the day's hunt while enjoying the sunset from the deck.

Night falls over Pheasant Crest

7:00 p.m.

Dinner & wine.


Cigars on the deck watching the stars fall in the South Dakota sky. Relax with your favorite drink in your hand, watch a movie, play cards or pool, enjoy the convenience of a gambling casino just a short 25 minutes away with blackjack, poker, and slots.


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The Dogs

Many breeds of hunting dogs are provided at Pheasant Crest and well-trained dogs accompanying guests can also be used. Labrador Retrievers are well suited for flushing and retrieving and are large enough to tackle dense brush. A few of our labs will actually point. This can provide some real exiting action. The only thing we stress is that guests dogs be well-trained, especially if they are not used to the tremendous number of birds they will encounter.

Dog with bird

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The Weather

The weather during the hunting season in South Dakota is generally very favorable, however it can make fairly wide swings in temperature from morning through mid-day.   We suggest that hunters dress in layers to accommodate these changes.  At the beginning of the season temperatures range from 30 degrees to 70 degrees with generally dry conditions.  The ground can be a bit muddy at times depending upon rainfall, so water proof boots are suggested.  Toward the end of the season, winter hunting attire is recommended, again in layers with attention to insulated boots.

link to

Click the logo above for the 5-day forecast for Kimball, SD

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Recommended guns, shells & shot type

You can really use just about any type of shot gun for this type of hunting, but 12 and 20 gauge guns are favored among many Pheasant hunters.  Shooting distances can really vary depending upon the terrain and time of the season so we recommend bringing a variety of different chokes if your gun is interchangeable.  Close-up shots are just as common as long leading shots.  We recommend #4 & #5 shot. (lead shot is permitted and most common).  Pheasant Crest does provide high quality shells, so you don't have to bring any.

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recommended gear list

  • Hard side locking gun case (required on all commercial flights).
  • Gun (12-gauge highly recommended). We provide 2-3/4" shells for 12-20 gauge.
  • Hunting pants.
  • Hunting boots and socks.
  • Hunting jacket (temperatures vary from 0 to 80 degrees; we recommend dressing in layers).
  • Gloves/warm gloves for late-season hunting.
  • Waterproof hunting gear is always a good idea.
  • Protective eyewear (extras are provided if you forget).
  • Casual lodge clothing (no sport jacket or tie, just comfortable lounging clothes).
  • Camera and film.
  • Phone numbers: Lodge: 605-778-6340   Lodge Fax: 605-778-6958
  • Brian's cell phone: 605-730-4000

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