Discovery Season Three, Four, Five and Beyond

Copyright © 1989-2025 by
Michael Marek.
An outline of the history of space currently controlled by the United Federation of Planets, with special emphasis on planet EARTH. Version 9.0

Prehistory through 2150 -- From the beginning of time until the Enterprise pilot.

Enterprise, Discovery 1&2, SNW) -- From 2151 through 2264, the premier of Enterprise, through the first two seasons of Discovery, until the premier of The Original Series.

The Original Series -- From 2265 through 2363, the premier of The Original Series until the premier of The Next Generation.

The TNG Era -- From 2363 and the premier of The Next Generation through 2370, season 7 of TNG and seasons 1 & 2 of DS9.

Voyager through Picard -- From 2371 until the end of Picard, including the events of DS9 beginning with season three, the TNG movies, and the events of the entire Voyager series, Lower Decks, and Prodigy, plus Star Trek Picard.

Discovery - Events after Picard until the end of time, including season 3+ of Star Trek Discovery.


Veteran diplomat Alexander Roshenko travels back in time from an alternate future to 2370 to encourage his younger self to "become a warrior," in hopes that he would be able to prevent his father, Worf, from being killed on the floor of the Klingon Council chambers. 

Sometime in the coming century, Barzan joins the Federation. (Die Trying)


A very weak subspace radio message sent by the Enterprise from the M33 galaxy, 2,700,000 light years away, arrives at Federation space.


A robot ship launched in 2266 by the United Federation of Planets arrives in the Andromeda Galaxy, carrying greetings of the Federation to the Kelvan Empire. 


A first contact from Starfleet has thrown the Vau N'Akat of planet Solum into civil war, laying waste to the planet and klling most of its people. About this time, survivors send people back in time to stop the first contact.  Two were known as The Diviner and The Vindicator.. (Prodigy)


Practical time travel is used by historians to gather information on the past. 

At some point before or after this, the Vulcan and Romulan people are reunited on Vulcan, inspired in large degree by the teachings of Spock. They change the name of their world and government to Ni'Var, which is a reference to them being two peoples. (Unification III) The only known date references is "hundreds of years after Spock's Death" in 2387.

The Romulan Qowat Milat sect of warrior nuns is instrumental in helping the two very different cultures learn to coexist because they practice absolute candor. There are deep divisions, however, between traditional Vulcans, traditional Romulans, and those trying to bridge the differences. (Unification III)


Kal Dayno invents the Taax Utat--a quantum phase inhibitor, in the shape of a large crystal, capable of halting all nuclear activity within a star. Two Vorgon criminals, Azure and Boratus, attempt to steal the Utat, and Dayno flees to the year 2140, where he hides it on Rhysa, in the starbase 12 district. 

The 100 Changlings sent out centuries earlier to learn about "solid" lifeforms begin returning home to the Gamma Quadrant. 

Sometime around now, the Federation begins a structure in which each Federation world, in turn, guards the seed vault ship created centuries earlier. (Die Trying)

The multiverse distance between the Star Trek univerise and the mirror universe appears to be drifting apart, and after roughly this date, no further crossings are possible. (Die Trying)


Starfleet Captain Braxton, of the Federtion timeship Aeon, observes an explosion that destroys the solar system. In the debris, he locates part of Voyager's secondary hull. He uses his timeship to travel to the 24th century to try to destroy Voyager, to prevent it from causing the explosion. 

Circa this date, the Temporal Cold War begins, an effort begins to change history. Some agents travel in time. Some project their images through time to influence the past.


Dilithium supplies slowly dry up, in part because the Federation has grown so rapidly and has so many ships that dilithium is in high demand. The Federation tries alternatives to warp drive, but none prove reliable.

3050 (Circa)

Temporal agent Daniels briefly brings Captain Jonathan Archer to roughly this year, having been told that Archer needed to be removed from the time stream in 2151 in order for the Federation to come into existance. The action, however, results in a major time change in which the Federation never existed. Daniels uses Archer's communicator and scanner to send a signal to the past. A device he left behind on Enterprise is activated and Archer is able to return to his own time. (Shockwave I and II)


In an alternate timeline 700 years after the USS Voyager is destroyed in the Kyrian system. The holographic doctor's program is reactivated and he is put on trial for alleged crimes of Voyager. He eventually refutes the inaccurate reconstruction of events and becomes a medical leader on their world. Many years later he leaves, headed for the Alpha Quadrant (Living Witness).

Circa this year, a ship is build that will eventually be found in 2151 by the NX-01 USS Enterprise with a dead pilot on board. The pilot's DNA is Human, but includes Vulcan, Terellian and Rigelian DNA. The ship is powered by a temporal drive and uses organic circuitry. When Enterprise activates a distress signal from the craft, a cloaked ship from the future (presumably this century) recovers it (Future Tense).


Starfleet spends most of the coming century fighting a war to ensure that the Temporal Accords are upheld, an interstallar treaty outlawing time travel to prevent anyone from the past changing the future, and vice versa. (Die Trying) Many factions attempt to use the Guardian of Forever in pursuit of the Temporal War.  The Guardian's AI, Carl, manages to move the portal to a different world, Dannus V, near the border of the Gamma Quadrant and go into hiding. (Terra Firma)

A temporal agent from sometime in this era, Daniels, returns to the past to try to affect events surrounding the commissioning and mission of the first starship Enterprise, NX-01, which in turn would affect tha creation of the United Federation of Planets. (Shockwave)

The Federation has become desperate to find an alternative to warp drivve which does not require dilithium, and becomes highly directive toward its member worlds in these experiments.


At some point in the next 20 years, Ni'Var scientists experiment on an alternative to warp drive, which they name SB-19.  Eventually they conclude that it is too dangerous and they propose to terminante the project, but the Federation insists that the work continue. (Unification III)

3060 (Circa)

The Kelpian ship Khi'eth enters the Verubin Nebula in search of a possible dilithium nursery, finding an entire planet with high dilithium content, but the ship crashes due to intense ion storms around the planet. It sends out a distress call. (Su-Kal)

3064 (Precisely 81986.272139)

The Burn - Sometime around now, much of the dilithium in the galaxy goes inert. Any ship with an active warp core detonates, killing millions. Ships not at warp may not have been affected. What happened cannot be explained, but because dilithium is required for warp drive, the connectedness of the Federation fails, causing it to essentially disappear overnight. Earth turns isolationist and considers itself to no longer be part of the Federation. A few people devoted to the idea of the Federation remain watchful.

The people of Ni'Var believe that their efforts to develop an alternative to warp drive, SB-19, caused the Burn, and this results in huge stress. Vulcans scientists had sought to terminate work on SB-19 because they felt it was dangerous, but the Federation ordered them to continue. When the Burn happens, the Vulcans blamed the Federation. The world ends up leaving the Federation not long after, although the Romulan faction seeks to remain. (Unification III)

Starfleet and the Federation leave Earth, destination not publically known. (People of Earth). They establish a new headquarters consisting of multiple habitats and ships within a huge distortion/forcefield that masks their location. (Die Trying)

The Titan research base breaks off from Earth because it is fully self-sufficient, but an accident destroys a third of the base habitat and renders the entire colony almost unlivable. When they send a ship to Earth asking for help, it is destroyed. They eventually begin raiding Earth for dilithium. (People of Earth)

The Trill homeworld is devastated by the Burn and left with not enough hosts for their symbionts. (Forget Me Not)

On the Kelpian ship Khi'eth in the Verubin Nebula, the adult crew becomes terminally ill, but the young child of the captain, Su'Kal, appears to be immune due to technobabble before he was born.  His mother, Dr. Issa, leaves him with an elaborate set of holoprograms to teach and carefor him until rescue arrives. (Su'kal)

3090 (Circa)

The last Federation starfhip visits Ni'Var for nearly a century. (Unification III)


The Emerald Chain, a syndicate of Orions and Andorians, grows in influence in the wake of the collapse of the Federation.  


Deep Space 253 begins trade with the Emerand Chain, bringing capitalism to the Federation outpost. (There is a Tide)


Admiral Senna Tal sends a transmission calling anyone who believes in the Federation to come to Earth. He is a Trill symbiont/host. (People of Earth)


When the host of Trill symbiont Tal dies, the symbiont transfers into a fourteen-year-old human host, Adira, who has trouble accessing the symbiont's memories. (People of Earth) (Note: Adira is initially referred to as "she" but the actress who plays her, Blu del Barrio, is non-binary. Later Adira says on-screen that she preferes the pronoun "they.")


Gabrielle Burnham, wearing the time crystal suit she developed in collaboration with her husband Mike, is trapped in this time, able to return to the past briefly, but always pulled back to this timeframe. She establishes a residence on Terralecium. In her final jump, she meets her adult daughter, Michael, but is separated from her suit. Both are pulled back to this year. Michael Burnham arrives from 2257, wearing a suit that dupicates her mother's. Burnham meets Cleveland Book, a courrier and protector of endangered species, and comes to trust him. She cannot locate Discovery. The Federation is fragmented. Book introduces her to Aditya Sahil, who says he is a representative of the Federation, but he cannot locate Discovery in his sensors. Quantum Slipstream Drive is used for FTL travel. (That Hope is You) 

Burnham becomes a courier, working with Book, transporting goods in exchange for small bits of the remain dilithium and trying to learn what happened. She contacts Terralecium by subspace radio and after a long time, the answer comes back that they know nothing about her mother. (People of Earth)

3189 (Stardate sequence 865000???)

USS Discovery appears after a time jump and is so heavily damaged that it crashes on a glacier on a nearby planet. 88 crew remain on board, including Emperor Georgio. Just as Discovery is about to be crushed by the glacier ice, Burnham locates her shipand uses tractor beams to free Discovery. (Far From Home)

Burnham ceeds the captaincy of Discovery to Saru and accepts the position of First Officer. Discovery travels to Earth and learns that the remains of the Federation has left Earth and the unitied planet is isolationist, but the Discovery crew gains some level of acceptance when they help Earth resolve differences with a colony on Titan. Book travels with Discovery, his ship jammed into the shuttle bay, and now he is free to be a courier in a new quadrant with a clean slate. Adira Tal remains on Discovery, with permission, revealing that her previous host was an admiral. Discovery has a large supply of dilithium on board, making it a target.

Some of the Discovery crew visits a huge tree on the former Starfleet Academy grounds that they knew in their time, presumably the prize elm tree planted by Boothby. (People of Earth)

Discovery visits the Trill homeworld where Adira makes contact with her symbiont and the previous hosts. The Trill natives are thrilled when the sybiont and all hosts accept a non-Trill host, successful hosting is possible. (Forget Me Not)

With the knowledge from Tal's previous host, Discovery locates the combined Federation and Starfleet headquarters and Saru places Discovery under the command of Starfleet. As a test mission, Discovery is dispatched to retrieve genetic material from a seed vault in order to synthesize a cure for afflicted refugees from the Kili species. Starfleet CinC Admiral Charles Vance accepts Discovery and agrees to keep her crew together. Discovery becomes the only "rapid response" team for Starfleet because it has the only spore drive. (Die Trying)

Discovery undergoes a major refit, recommissioning as the NCC-1031-A. Michael Burnham finds evidence that ships destroyed by the Burn did not all lose contact at exactly the same time, suggesting an origin for the Burn other than the Ni'Var SB-19 experiments. Discovery travels to Ni'Var and Burnham meets her mother, Gabrielle Burnham, who returned to Esofof IV and later joined the Qowat Milat sect of warrior nuns.  After turmoil, Burnham obtains the SB-19 data. As the result of her interactions on Ni'Var, Burnham resolves her mixed feelings and declares loyalty to Starfleet over her own personal objectives. (Unification III)

Michael Burnham and Cleveland Book begin a relationship. Discovery has a confrontation with Osyraa, the head of the Orion/Andorian syndicate called the Emerald Chain, angering Osyraa, however the Emerald Chain is desperately short on dilithium. The origin of the burn is identified as the Verubin Nebula and signals are coming from the nebula suggesting a Federation starship distress signal. (The Sanctuary)

Philipa Georgiou experiences a life-threatening reaction to being both out of her own time and out of her own universe. Using Sphere data, Discovery's computer directs her to Dannus V, where she encounters the Guardian of Forever, which judges her change of heart and then sends her back to a time when she would not feel the displacement effects. It is also presumably a time where she is needed. (Terra Firma)

Discovery enters the Verubin Nebula and locates the crash of the Kelpian ship Khi'eth. Burnham, Culber, and Saru beam down and encounter Su'Kol, but he does not understand who they are.  He is terribly afraid of a "monster" that appears within the surviving holoprograms. Asyraa decoys Starfleet to Kaminar and attacks Discovery at the Verubin Nebula, capturing it. (Su'Kal)    
Asyraa gains access to Federation Headquarters by pretending that Discovery is under attack by her own ship, Viridian, but just before, Book crashes his ship into the Discovery hangar deck.  Burnham goes "Die Hard" and gets Stamitz off the ship, so Asyraa cannot jump Discovery, but Burnham is eventually captured. Tilly and the bridge crew are confined to the ready room, along with Book, but they oversome their guards and head for the armory. There they meet three of the DOT-23 maintanance droids
who now contain the sphere data and volunteer to help recapture the ship. (There is a Tide)

Our Heroes manage to racapture Discovery. It turns out that the monster SuKal has been afraid of is really his greatest fear, which he overcomes and learns the story of his mother's death. It was that which caused his anguish, amplified by the subspace component of the dilityum surrounding him that radiated outward as the Burn. The emerand Chain collapsed without Osyrra. Saru accompanies Su'Kol to Kaminar to halp him rejoin society. Vance makes Burnham the permanent captain of Discovery. (That Hope is You II)

3190 (Stardate sequence 865700???) THE EVENTS OF ST:DISCOVERY SEASON FOUR

The Federation has grown from 38 to 59 worlds and Starfleet Academy is reopening with its first small class of cadets( Kobayashi Maru). A huge gravitationsl distortion is discovered and soon after it destroys Book's home planet, Kwejian. Suru returns to Discoveryn which jumps out to study the anomoly. There is no way to predict it's movements, meaning many worlds could be in danger (Anomaly). The consciousness of Gray, Adira's inisible boyfriend is transferred into an android body (Choose to Live).

Ni'Var rejoins the Federation after tough negoaiations. Tilly leads a teams of cadets from the recently-reactivated Starfleet Academy and it is so successful that she is offered an academy faculty position (All is Possible). The Anomaly (now called the DMA) disappears and reappears 1,000 light years away. Scans show there is a device at its center, meaning it is artificial and they name the unknown specied the D-10. A prison colony is threatned and Discovery rescues all of the prisoners, except one who remains behind topay for his crimes (The Examples). Discovery's self-aware computer, Zora, calculates the location of the 10-C. Zora is considered to be a new live form and officialy joins Starfleet as a specialist, swearing an oath to abide by Starfleet protocol (But to Connect). The 10-C are from outside the galaxy, but Discovery has to negotiate the energy barrier (The Galactic Barrier).

The 10-C are inside some sort of hyperfield (Rosetta). Preliminary contact is made with the 10-C, but Federation scientist Tarka really wants to blow up the DMA controler because he thinks it will take him to meet a former lover, but the Discovery people stop him in the nick of time (The Ten-C). Going Home. It turns out the 10-C communicate with light pulses. They agree to shut down the DMA permanently and did not realize it was causing problems. Earth rejoins the Federation (Going Home).

3191 (Stardate sequence 866000???) THE EVENTS OF ST:DISCOVERY SEASON FIVE

Starfleet discovers a derelict Romulan spacecraft from 800 years ago that appears to contain the secret of how the Progeniators created life and seeded the DNA across many worlds, including Earth to create intelligent species. But two former couriers steal the Romulan scientist's notebook that contains clues as to where to find the technology. Michael Burnham and Discovery search for the couriers, Moll and L'ak, and complete test after test to learn the location of the technology, complicated by encountrs ith teh Breen. Ultimately Burnham finds the portal leading to the technology and encounters the entiry left behind by the Progenitors. Burnham decides that the technology is too powerful for any person or cultue to control, so she throws it into the event horizon of a black hole (Life, Itself).

Kovich, who has been a force within Starfleet and the Federation, reveals to Burnham that he is temporal Agent Daniels, who interacted with Captain Jonathan Archer during the Temporal Cold War (Life, Itself).

3220 (approx)

Admiral Michael Burnham goes aboard Discovery one more time. It has been returned to its pre-refit configuration and she and Zora take it to a place Discovery is destine to wait for 1,000 years. This is presumably because Kovich, still a time traveler, knows about the future. Zora does not know any details about why she has been assigned to wait (Life, Itself).

4200 (approx)

USS Discovery, NCC-1032, has been station-keeping in a remote location for almost 1,000 years when Zora rescues a space traveler named Craft. Craft is a soldier fighting against the V'draysh a spacefaring group that had been at war for at least ten years, including with his planet, Alcor IV. When he recovers, Craft leaves to find his family. V'draysh may be a "pigeon English" reference o "Federation." (Life, Itself; Short Treks: Calypso).