Voyager, Picard, and Beyond

Copyright © 1989-2025 by
Michael Marek.
An outline of the history of space currently controlled by the United Federation of Planets, with special emphasis on planet EARTH. Version 9.0

Prehistory through 2150 -- From the beginning of time until the Enterprise pilot.

Enterprise, Discovery 1&2, SNW) -- From 2151 through 2264, the premier of Enterprise, through the first two seasons of Discovery, until the premier of The Original Series.

The Original Series -- From 2265 through 2363, the premier of The Original Series until the premier of The Next Generation.

The TNG Era -- From 2363 and the premier of The Next Generation through 2370, season 7 of TNG and seasons 1 & 2 of DS9.

Voyager through Picard -- From 2371 until the end of Picard, including the events of DS9 beginning with season three, the TNG movies, and the events of the entire Voyager series, Lower Decks, and Prodigy, plus Star Trek Picard.

Discovery - Events after Picard until the end of time, including season 3+ of Star Trek Discovery.


Chakotay's father, Kolopak, dies. 

Ben Sisko returns to Earth to report in detail on his contact with the Jem'Hadar, and the destruction of the USS Odyssey. In the process, he realizes that he has come to think of Deep Space Nine as home. He returns to the station with the USS Defiant, which he helped design, but which experienced unsuccessful flight tests. The ship is dangerously overpowered, but Sisko concludes that the show of force will be valuable in countering the Dominion threat. He consults with chief O'Brien on ways to regulate the Defiant's power curves. 

The senior staff of Deep Space Nine, aboard the USS Defiant, enters the Gamma Quadrant to seek the Founders of the Dominion. The Dominion captures the senior staff and submits them to unconscious testing to learn about their determination. Jem'Haddar forces study the captured Defiant. After their release, Sisko and his staff receive permission to keep the Defiant at Deep Space Nine, since it has better performance characteristics than the three runabouts based at the station. Operations chief Miles O'Brien installs safeguards to keep the Defiant from damaging itself. 

Odo discovers that his species, the Changlings, are the Founders of the Dominion. 

The memory blockers which prevent Dax from remembering its host Jurian Balar break down, threatening Jadzia's life. On Trill for treatment, Sisko and Bashir learn of the secret of the Trill Symbiosis Commission, and blackmail the Commission into allowing Jadzia to remember. 

On Cestus III, a colony once attacked by the Gorn, the archaic sport of Baseball becomes popular. 

While in the Gamma Quadrant, a Vulcan geological survey team unearths the apparently abandoned home word of the Hurk, who had invaded the Kronos over a thousand years earlier. One artifact brought back is a cloth, recognized by Ambassador Kor as the legendary Shroud of Kahless' Sword, bearing an imprint of the batleth. 

The Nova Class USS Equinox is pulled into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. The ship escapes and begins the long voyage home. Not designed for extended service, the ship has to fight its way across the light years. Eventually, Captain Ransom learns to achieve high speed by drawing power from the bodies of aliens from another dimension. He proceeds to move his ship closer to home, although replicators and many other systems on the ship fail. (Equinox)

Lt. Thomas Riker defects to the Maquis, and leads a team which steals the Defiant from its berth at Deep Space Nine. Riker reveals that the Cardassian Obsidian Order is secretly building a war fleet in the Urias system. Riker surrenders in order to save the lives of his crew. In an agreement between Ben Sisko and Gul Dukat, Riker is sentenced to life imprisonment in a Cardassian labor camp on Lazon II. His crew and the Defiant are handed over to Starfleet. 

Harry Kim graduates Starfleet Academy, and is assigned to the USS Voyager, meeting the ship at Deep Space Nine. (The Caretaker)

A Maquis ship commanded by ex-Starfleet officer Chakotay, disappears in the Badlands region, following a fire fight with a disabled Cardassian warship. The USS Voyager, commanded by Captain Kathryn Janeway, is assigned to search for the Maquis ship, which carries her Security Officer, Tuvok, as an undercover agent. Also on board the Maquis ship is Seska, a Cardassian, surgically altered to appear to be Bajoran, also operating as a spy. Janeway recruits Tom Paris (Jr.) to help search the Badlands. (The Caretaker)

In the Badlands, the USS Voyager is scanned by a coherent tetrion beam, and trapped by a displacement wave on Stardate 48315. Voyager reappears tens of thousands of light years away, in the Delta Quadrant, out of touch with the Federation. They are in a region of space controlled by the Kazon, a powerful alien race with many creches and sects, such as the Olga and the Nistrim. The crews discover they have been kidnapped by a member of the Naceen species from another galaxy, who has been protecting the Ocampa species for 1,000 years. He has captured many ships, looking for a compatible bio-molecular pattern, so he can procreate. The effort fails, the Caretakes dies, and his space station "the Array" is destroyed, to prevent the Kazon from taking possession of it. This has the effect of protecting the Ocampa from the Kazon, for at least five years, until the power provided by the Caretaker is exhausted. Chakotay rams his ship into a Kazon warship after evacuating his crew. The combined crews begin the long journey home in Voyager, also looking for a second member of the Naceen Caretaker species, who they believe to be somewhere in the Delta Quadrant. Chakotay, Captain of the Maquis ship, agrees to become First Officer of Voyager. Harry Kim, on his first deep space assignment, remains OPS officer. Tom Paris has his commission reactivated, and becomes Con officer. Tuvok returns to his post as security officer. B'Elanna Torres becomes Chief Engineer. Chakotay's sometimes-lover Seska is also assigned to Engineering. (The Caretaker)

On Stardate 48481, a transporter accident while beaming from the USS Defiant, in Earth orbit, to San Franciso throws Benjamin Sisko, Julian Bashir and Jadzia Dax back in time to the year 2024. Remaining crew on the Defiant are eventually able to track the three, and recover them. In the interim, however, all evidence of Starfleet and the Federation disappear from the Sol system. 

Vedick Bariel is seriously injured in a transport accident, but is kept alive by Bashir while Kai Wynn negotiates with Legit Torral for a peace treaty between Bajor and Cardassia. Bariel suffers serious brain damage, resulting from an experimental drug. He dies of brain damage. Cardassia and Bajor sign a peace treaty. Although there is dissent from hard line elements on both sides, observers say it holds the potential for a new era. 

Voyager encounteres the pleasure-seeking Sikarians, an advanced culture with "Spatial Trajector" technology that can fold space and transport 40,000 light years. The crew attempts to use the system, but it becomes unstable and must be destroyed (Prime Factors). Sikaris is eventually assimilated by the Borg and the Spatial Trajectors is incorporated into Borg Cubes as an escape system for the Borg Queen. At Sikaris, the trajector only works because the planet has a crysteline maltle that focuses and amplifies the field. The Borg apparently adapt and overcome this limitation (The Impossible Box).

On Stardate 48579.4, the USS Voyager makes contact with a Romulan ship through a microscopic wormhole, and the Romulan captain actually beams through the wormhole. The Romulan, however, is from the year 2351. He returns to his ship with messages. He agrees to keep the message chip for 20 years, and then turn it over to the Federation after the Voyager disappears. He, however, dies before the 20 years is up. 

On the Voyager, Seska is unveiled as a Cardassian, and escapes to a Kazon ship. 

A fleet combining forces of the Romulan Tal Shiar and the Cardassian Obsidian Order invades the Gamma Quadrant, and attacks the Founders of the Dominion. The combined fleet is destroyed, radically reducing the effectiveness of both secret orders. One or more Changlings had infiltrated the enemy forces, using shape changing abilities to pose as part of the attack force. 

Mark Seven transporters are commonly in use by Starfleet. 

Robert Picard, and his son Rene, burn to death on Earth, in a fire. Worf Roshenko is promoted to Lieutenant Commander. 

Doctor Soran attempts to destroy Veridan III in order to deflect the path of the Nexus, so that he can reenter the Nexus. Jean-Luc Picard attempts to stop him, and is drawn into the Nexus, where he discovers James T. Kirk. Kirk and Picard return to Veridian III and together prevent Soran from destroying the Veridian star. This saves the life of 250 million pre-industrial inhabitants of the system. In the process, Kirk falls into a deep canyon, and dies a few moments after Picard reaches his side. 

The USS Enterprise, 1701D is destroyed. The Battle section suffers a warp core breech following a battle with the Klingon Bird of Prey which had transported Soran to Veridian, and which had secretly obtained the Enterprise shield harmonic frequency. The Battle section explosion shock wave throws the detached Saucer into the atmosphere of Veridian III. The saucer crash lands, effectively trashing it beyond salvage. The Duras sisters, Lursa and B'Etor, who had lead the conspiracy to conquer the Klingon empire, are killed on the Bird of Prey explosion in the Veridian system. On 48650.1, a Starfleet task force lead by the USS Farragut evacuates the Enterprise crew. The saucer section is eventually salvaged, to avoid cultural contamination of the planet, and taken to the Starfleet museum, where future curator Geordi LaForge will begin rebulding the ship.

In the AGT timeline, the Enterprise is not destroyed and Picard remains in command. 

Worf considers resigning from Starfleet, and takes extended leave at the Klingon monastary on Borath, sending Alexander to live with the Roshenkos in Earth. 

The Cardassians confess to locating the remains of a crashed Bajoran light sail ship, circa 800 years old. 

Kai Wynn is blackmailed into withdrawing from the political arena on Bajor. She retains her position as head of the church. 

The USS Voyager helps Jetrel attempt to reassemble the people whose molecular cohesion was dissolved by the Metrion Cascade, on Rynex in the Talaxian system. The attempt to save 300,000 people fails. Jetrel dies of Metrion poisoning, incurred 15 years earlier. 

In the AGT timeline, Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher are married. 

Jadzia Dax undergoes a ceremony that allows her to meet previous hosts of the symbiont Dax. The personalities of the previous hosts temporarily take up residence in the minds of Sisko, Kira, and others of the crew. Curzon confesses that he was in love with the young Jadzia, explaining why he washed her out of the initiate program and then allowed her to be reaccepted. 

Nog is sponsored to Starfleet Academy by Sisko, and, after testing, is accepted. 

Ben Sisko is promoted to Captain. 

Captain Lisa Cusak's escape pod crashes on a remote planet following the destruction of her ship. She makes contact with the USS Defiant via subspace radio and makes friends with the Defiant crew members who are coming to rescue her. She does not realize that she it talking with Defiant through a fluke three-year timewarp and they are in her future. She dies alone, thinking that they Defiant is about to arrive. (The Sound of her Voice)

Odo causes the death of a changling who had impersonated an ambassador and taken over the Defiant in an effort to begin a border war. The dieing Changling indicates to Odo that Changlings have infiltrated Starfleet and the Federation. A simple test is developed to determine whether a person is actually a Changling -- blood removed from a Changling will revert to its Changling form rather than retain the appearance of blood. It is later determined that this test can be fooled by the Changlings. 

The USS Voyager locates the home of the 37ers, whose ancestors were kidnapped from Earth in 1937. Amelia Earhart, and the others still in cyrogrnic stasis, are awakened. Earhart confirms that her round-the-world flight in 1937 was, in part, a secret mission to spy on the Japanese. Although the descendants of the 37ers invite the crew of the Voyager to remain with them, nobody takes them up on the offer. 


As relations deteriorate between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, Captain Sisko invites Lieutenant Commander Worf Roshenko, age 31, to be Tactical Operations Officer on Deep Space Nine. Sisko fires on a Klingon ship that is interfering with a ship owned by his girlfriend, enraging Gowron and the Klingon leadership. 

The Klingon Empire attacks Cardassia, in order to remove them as a possible hotbed of Changling infiltration. Kahless (the clone) objects to the attack, but Gowron proceeds anyway, egged on by one of his generals, Mordok. Sisko supports the Cardassians, earning the further emnity of the Klingons. Gowron proclaims the treaty ended. Federation citizens are ejected from the Klingon empire. Worf's family loses its seat on the High Council. The Klingons continue to occupy several systems they captured, and hostilities between the Klingons and the Federation continue. 

The USS Enterprise, NCC-1701E is commissioned, and command is given to Captain Jean-Luc Picard. With the exception of Lieutenant Commander Worf, all of his department heads from the Enterprise-D accept assignment to the Enterprise-E. The ship is assigned to the area formerly served by the Enterprise-D, in the vicinity of the Romulan Neutral Zone. 

Lwxanna Troi marries Jayal, a Tabnian, who bears a slight resemblance to Kang. 

On Voyager, Maquis crewman Suder is convicted of murder, and confined to his quarters for the duration of the voyage. 

In the Delta Quadrant, Chakotay makes contact with an alien species that has visited Earth several times over 45,000 years, and who were ancestors of Chakotay's tribe. They tell him of their travels, their interest in Earth, and their philosophy. 

Quark and Rom escort Nog to Earth, to begin his training at Starfleet Academy, traveling in a Ferengi shuttle. Odo stows away on the ship, in order to catch Quark transporting contraban. The ship is accidentally thrown back in time to 1947, but the four manage to return to their own time, and deliver Nog to San Francisco. 

The USS Voyager makes contact with Sysperia, the female Caretaker. Sysperia somehow knows of her mate's death, and does not believe that the crew of the Voyager is not evil. She returns to her home in subspace without fully understanding the plight of the crew of the Voyager

Kor returns to Deep Space Nine, bearing the Shroud of Kahless' Sword. Dax confirms its authenticity. Worf, Kor and Dax discover the Sword of Kahless, in the Gamma Quadrant, on what is apparently the remains of the world of the Hurk. The Sword, however, has an insidious effect on Worf and Kor, and they agree that the Empire is not ready for the devisiveness the Sword would produce. It is left adrift in space in the Gamma Quadrant. 

Several people are killed in an explosion in Antwerp on Earth, set by Changlings. Ben Sisko is called to Earth to serve as acting planetary head of security, because of his extensive experience with Changlings. He finds that Changlings have extensively infiltrated the planet, and suspects that a cloaked invasion fleet is on its way. 

In the Delta Quadrant, Voyager encounters the Praylor and Kravek robots. B'Elanna Torres almost gives them the secret of building new power supplies, but destroys her prototype at the last moment. 

Ohkarim Mahn emerges from the wormhole, and briefly claims to be the Emmisary. Sisko and Ohkarim reenter the wormhole, and the Profits agree to return Ohkarim to his own time. 

Lwxanna Troi discovers she is pregnant. Her husband Jayal, however, comes from a culture that insists that male children be raised by men, and attempts to gain custody of the baby, following her to Deep Space Nine. Odo and Lwxanna marry in order to cancel Jayal's claim on the child. She, however, does not understand his willingness to make it a real marriage, and leaves to return to Beta Zed. 

Jake Sisko writes the first draft of what will eventually be published as his first novel, Anslem. The novel is semi biographical, to the extent that the main character's mother dies, and he has a strong father. Jake's creativity is stimulated by Anaya, the entity that feeds on creativity. Ben Sisko, however, drives Anaya off before she kills Jake, leaving Jake with the understanding that he has great potential as a writer. 

The Founders infect Odo with a deadly disease, forcing him to return to the Great Link in order to be judged for killing a Changling months earlier. They judge him and entence him to remain in humanoid form permanently, retaining his half-formed humanoid face. While in the Link, Odo is told by his people that Gowron, leader of the Klingon Empire, has been replaced by a shape changer.

On the Voyager, Chakotay's lover, Maquis member Seska defects to the Kazon, and works with them to attempt to capture Voyager, because of the advanced technology it carrys. Seska obtains a DNA sample from Chakotay, and attempts to impregnate herself with Chakotay's child. Near the end of the year, Seska masterminds a deception in which she claims Chakotay's son is in danger. When Voyager attempts a rescue mission, repeated Kazon attacks knock out the ship's secondary processors, eliminating the ship's self destruction capability. Tom Paris escapes the battle in a warp shuttle, seeking assistance from a nearby friendly Talaxian colony. Kazon's capture Voyager and strand her crew on a primitive volcanic planet. Only convicted killer Suder and the holographic doctor remain behind on the ship. 


Tom Paris leads a rescue mission from the Talaxian colony, and recaptures Voyager. The mission is successful because convicted killer Suder kills several key Kazon before being killed himself. Paris returns Voyager to recover her crew on the volcanic world where they had been stranded. 

A commando team from Deep Space Nine unveils Mordok, a chief general serving under Gowron, as a shape changer. Sisko, O'Brien and Odo earn Gowron's thanks, however Worf continues in Gowron's bad graces. Gowron agrees to a temporary cease- fire and a beginning of negotiations with the Federation. 

A team lead by Captain Ben Sisko captures a derelict Jem'Haddar ship, and returns it to Starfleet experts for analysis. Cardassians return the Orb of Time to the Bajorans. While it is being transported in the USS Defiant, Arne Darvin, a Klingon disguised as a human, uses the orb to travel back in time on the USS Defiant to the 23rd century to try to kill James T. Kirk. The Defiant crew thwarts the plot, and brings one or more tribbles back to the future. They subsequently infest Deep Space Nine. 

Captain Braxton, from the 29th century, arrives in the Delta Quadrant and attacks Voyager. Voyager repels the attack, and is drawn into Braxton's time vortex, pulled backwards in time to Earth in the year 1996. 

The Voyager crew encounters the reptilian Voth, who believe they are the oldest intelligent species in the Delta Quadrant. The Voth are surprised to find genetic similarities between themselves and the humans. Gegen, the chief researcher, is treated as a heritic when he suggests that the Voth originated on Earth. Gegen and his assistant, Veer, kidnap Chakotay to prove Gegen's claim. (Distant Origin)

While investigasting a planet with a natural energy barrier, the Defiant is thrown 200 years back in time and crashes. The decendents of the crew warn the current Defiantcrew. This time the Defiant does not crash and the alternate timeline is canceled. (Children of Time)

Kai Winn meets with Dominion representative Weyoun on the station to discuss the Dominion's wish to sign a non-aggression treaty with Bajor. Sisko feels strongly that this would be an unwise move and convinces Kai Winn to stall the proceedings. (In the Cards)

The Voyager crew discovers a fleet of Borg ships destroyed by a mysterious new alien species while attempting to sneak through a narrow Borg free corridor in what is otherwise Borg-infested space. On a derelict Borg ship, they download Borg information -- the Borg call their enemies "Species 8472." The Borg have been repeatedly defeated by Species 8472 over the last five months. They are from Fluidic Space and are exiting into our space through an artificial singularity in the Borg-free corridor. The Doctor determines that Borg nanites could be programmed to allow assminiation of Species 8472 and Janeway negotiates a deal with the Borg for free passage in exchange for the Doctor's technology. As Species 8472 attacks again, Voyager escapes under a tractor beam, being towed to safety by a Borg ship. (Scorpion I)

Starfleet personnel on Deep Space Nine convert to the new Starfleet uniform, a jumpsuit with grey shoulders and turtleneck shirts with colors denoting departmental function. 

Kassidy Yates is released from prison after serving a six month sentence for supporting the Maquis. She and Sisko take the first steps to revive their relationship. 

Bajor's petiton to join the Federation is approved. Ben Sisko locates the remains of the legendary city of Bahalla, as the result of a series of visions. A subsequent vision, resulting from an encounter with the Orb of Prophesy causes him to announce that it is too soon for Bajor to join the Federation. His position as the Emissary causes Bajor to decline to sign the final membership paperwork. 

It becomes clear that the Dominion intends to take over the Alpha Quadrant. More and more Jam'Haddar ships come through the wormhole. Starfleet orders Sisko to keep reinforcements from reaching Cadassia. A plan is defeloped to mine the mouth of the wormhole. Starfleet cannot send reinforcements. The Dominion spokesman Weyoun threatens to take over Deep Space Nine if the plan proceeds. Starfleet personnel are evacuated from the station. Martog and the Klingons protect the Defiant as the mine field is completed. Sisko leaves Kira in command of the station to meet the Cardassian forces who take over the station. (Call to Arms)

A Borg ship attacks Earth and is met by an armada of Starfleet ships, including the USS Defiant, called from Deep Space Nine to assist in the defense. The Defiant is heavily damaged, and its crew is beamed to the Enterprise. Jean-Luc Picard, of the USS Enterprise E, guides the Starfleet attack on the Borg ship, leading to itsdestruction. A spherical scout ship escapes, however, and generates a time travel field. As the Enterprise chases it into the time field, it detects a planet Earth of an alternate timeline, filled with billions of Borg. The Borg travel to the year 2065, in an attempt to stop the first human warp flight, and thus prevent first contact with the Vulcans, and the resulting formation of the United Federation of Planets, but Enerprise prevents the timeline change. The Enterprise returns to the present, missing its sensor dish and filled with Borg paraphenalia. 


A Borg drone, Seven of Nine, is assigned as a liaison to the Voyager crew. A combination of Starfleet and Borg technology is developed and Voyager enters fluidic space to attack species 8472. It is discovered that the Borg began the conflict to trying to conquer fluidic space. Voyager does not end up giving the Borg the Doctor's nanotechnology. A Borg ship sacrifices itself to save Voyager and Voyager escapes, with Seven of Nine still on board. She is disconnected from the collective and begins the process of learning to be an individual. (Scorpion II)

Captain Sisko and his officers are sent in a mission in a captured Jem'Haddar ship to destroy the Dominion's stockpile of Ketrecel White. The succeed and escape, but their ship is stranded without warp drive.(A Time to Stand) They land on a planet that they later learn also has Jem'Haddar soldiers stranded on it. They capture Garak and Nog to blackmail Sisko's people into treating their injured Vorta leader. Sisko builds a relationship with the Jem'Haddar leader, but has to kill him and the other Jem'Haddar because they refuse to disobey their Vorta. O'Brien repairs the Dominion communication gear and the Federation team is rescued by Worf. (Rocks and Shoals)

Sisko is promoted to a leadership position in the war effort. Dax takes permanent command of the Defiant. (Behind the Lines)

Kes begins to evolve into a non-corporial form of life. This usually happens at the end of an Ocompa's nine year lifespan. Kes may have been triggered early by her mental contact with Species 8472. She gives off dangerous quantom vibrations and barely avoids destroying Voyager before she leaves in a shuttle. As a parting gift, she manages to throw Voyager a few years travel time closer to Earth. (The Gift)

Alexander Roshenko joins the war effort, although he is generally unsuited to the life of a warrior. After prooving himself, Alexander is welcomed into the house of Martog. (Sons and Daughters)

Voyager has to eject its warp care. Trying to recover it, the shuttle of Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres is attacked and they end up floating in space suits, about to run out of air. Thinking they are about to die they admit they are in love with each other. Voyager rescues them at the last minute. (Day of Honor)

In the face of declining morale in Starfleet because the war effort is going poorly, Sisko launches a plan to retake Deep Space Nine. Meanwhile, The Cardassians on the space station struggle to take down the minefield blocking the wormhole. (Favor the Bold) The fleets engage each other. Only Defiant gets through the Dominion/Cardassian line. The minefield comes down. Sisko takes Defiant into the wormhole and convinces the Prophets to prevent the Dominion fleet from entering the Alpha Quadrant, which they do. Exiting the wormhole again, Defiant discovers that Federation reinforcements are on the way. The Cardassians abandon Deep Space Nine and return to Cardassia. Dukat's daughter, Zygal, refuses to leave the station, admitting that she has helped the resistance. Dukat's second-in-command, Damar, kills Zygal. Dukat, in shock, remains behind when Sisko takes command of the station again. (Sacrifice of Angels)

Worf and Dax are married, but not before Martog temporarily refuses to accept Dax into his family, causing Dax to be evaluated by the mistress of the house, Martok's wife, Sirella (You Are Cordially Invited)

Ducat suffers a nervous breakdown over the death of his daughter. A ship transporting Dukat and Sisko crashes and Duket escapes, apparently insane. (Waltz)

Voyager finds the ruins of the Federation ship Raven, which belonged to Seven of Nine's parents before they were assiminated. They were scientists who tracked down the rumored Borg and tried to study them. They were eventually assiminated. Seven learns that she was once called Anika Hansen. (The Raven)

In an alternate timeline, Krenim of the Annorax travels the timelines, trying to alter time to bring back his family who had been killed when a colony was destroyed years earlier. Voyager comes under attack by Krenim and over the course of a year sustains heavy damage. Janeway ends up ramming Voyager into Krenim's ship. The "temporal wake" from the explosion resets everything and the "real" Voyager crew never knows they have gone through the year-long conflict with Krenim. (The Year of Hell I & II)

Sisko considers leaving Starfleet, but after having a dream of 1953 science fiction writer Benny Russell, he decides to remain in Starfleet. (Far Beyond the Stars)

Dr. Bashir has his first encounter with Sloan, agent of Section 31, a branch of Starfleet intelligence that long ago becaue totally independent, to the point that Starfleet Command does not realize that it exists. Bashir is told that Section 31 protects the Federation by whatever means it takes. (Inquisition)

Voyager discovers an ancient communications network that allows the ship to communicate with the Alpha Quadrant. The Doctor's program is sent through the array to let Starfleet know that Voyager is still kicking. He lands on an experimental ship, the Prometheus, but has to work with the Mark II Holodoctor to repulse a Romulan attack. The Doctor returns and it looks like marginal contact with Starfleet may be possible. (Message in a Bottle)

The Voyager crew receives messages from home over the alien communications array, but the owners of the array arrive and are not pleased. They are the Hirogen a species that lives for the hunt. They think that the Voyager crew will make excellent prey. Voyager escapes by destroying the Hirogen ship but the communications array is rendered nonfunctional. Much of the data received from Starfleet is damaged and almost impossible to translate. (Hunters)

Sisko convinces the Romulan empire to enter the war. The Romulans formally declare war on the Dominion. (In the Pale Moonlight)

Dr. Bashir unveils his new holodeck program that features "Vic," a lounge singer in a 1962 Las Vegas casino nightclub. Kira and Odo discover their feelings for each other and become romantically involved. (His Way)

An ancient tablet is found on Bajor addressing the Emmissary. Sisko destroys the tablet, releasing a "Pah Wraith," an evil Prophet long ago banished from the wormhole. The Pah Wraith enters the wormhole and the wormhole stops functioning. (The Reckoning)

Voyager encounters the Kyrian people and an alternate timeline is spun off in which Voyager is destroyed and equipment holding the Doctor's holoprogram ends up in a Kyrian museum. (Living Witness)

Eight year old Molly O'Brien is lost 300 years into the past in a time vortex. She is returned having lived 18 years in the past on an otherwise uninhabited planet. She is uncivilized and has great trouble adapting. O'Brien steals a shuttle to take her back to her planet and sends her back to the past, but before the vortex closes, she sends her eight year old self back to her parents, having spend only a few minutes in the past. The alternate timeline is thus canceled. (Time's Orphan)

An alien named Arturis claims to have translated a badly damaged message received from Starfleet. The information leads Voyager to an advanced ship that appears to be Starfleet with a highly advanced "Slipstream Drive." It turns out, however, that the ship is not Starfleet and Arturis is seeking revenge against the Voyager crew. (Hope and Fear)

The Voyager crew discovers a space habitat that perfectly reproduces Starfleet Headquarters in San Francisco, complete with Starfleet personnel who act as if it really is San Francisco. It turns out that Species 8472 is planning to invade Earth. Janeway convinces the leader of the aliens, impersonating Boothby, that the Federation is not the enemy of Species 8472. He and his people return home to try to convince their superiors of the same thing. (In the Flesh)

The crew of the Defiant makes friends by radio with Captain Lisa Cusak, who informs them that her escape pod has crashed on a remote planet following the destruction of her ship. When they arrive to rescue her, they discover that she has been dead for three years and that they were somehow communicating with her across a three year gap in subspace. (The Sound of her Voice)

Voyager attempts to use Slipstream Drive to get back to the Alpha Quadrant. Chakotay and Harry Kim signal Seven of Nine from 15 years in the future, preventing an accident with the Slipstream Drive that would have caused Voyager to crash on an ice planet. (Timeless)

Captain Janeway develops a plan to steal a piece of Borg hardware that might help get Voyager home. Seven of Nine is captured by the Borg Queen and Janeway has to confront the Queen to get Seven back. (Dark Frontier)

Captain Braxton of the 29th century Federation Timeship Relativity contacts Seven of Nine to go back in time to solve the mystery of who planted the "temporal disrupter" which ultimately destroyed the U.S.S. Voyager. (Relativity)

Dukat releases a Pah Wraith from a figuring in which it hs been trapped and sneaks back onto Deep Space Nine. Duket kills Jadzia. The woman dies although Dr. Bashir is able to save the Dax symbiont. Sisko takes a leave of absense from Starfleet and returns to Earth with his son, Jake.(Tears of the Prophets)

The USS Voyager encounters the USS Equinox and renders assistance. When Janeway discovers that Ransom is killing alien lifeforms to get home, she arreses him, but Ransom and his crew steal technology from Voyager and escape, leaving Voyager dead in the water and under attack from the aliens.


The Enterprise crew breaks up a secret plan to relocate the pastoral Ba'ku inhabitants of an unstable area of space, known as the Briar Patch, which offers inhabitants continual rejuvination. To do this, Picard must rebel against the Starfleet aadmiral in charge. As part of a temporary partial rejuvination of the crew, Troi and Riker resule their romantic relationship. Picard meets and begins a relationship with a Ba'ku woman, Anij and assures her that he has a large amount of shore leave coming. (Insurrection)

Janeway catches up with the USS Equinox and wages a crusade to stop the Equinox crew from killing aliens. Captain Ransom repents, but is killed when his ship is destroyed. A few Equinox survivors are saved by Voyager, to live under very close supervision. (Equinox II)

Three former Borg who were once part of Seven of Nine's working group track her down to discover why they are linked in a sort of mini-collective. Releasing them from their link to each other is a process that dooms them to death within a few days -- a fate they accept. (Survival Instinct)

B'Elanna Torres has a vision and believes that her mother has died. (Barge of the Dead)

Sisko, working on Earth in his father's restaurant, learns that the Dax symbiont was emplanted into a young Trill Starfleet officer, Ezri, who was unprepared for the experience. The symbiont, however, cannot be removed. Sisko learns about his mother, Sarah, who left his father when Ben was young and later died. Sisko discovers that his mother's locket bears the Bajoran words "The Orb of the Emmissary." Ben is attacked by a member of a Bajoran cult that worships the Pah Wraiths. Sisko decides me must go to Tyree, the planet on which a vision of his mother was set. (Image in the Sand)

On Tyree, Sisko discovers the Orb of the Emmissary and uses it to expel the Pah Wraith from the wormhole. Sisko has another vision of his mother, who reveals that she is a wormhole alien who took over Sarah's body to ensure that Sisko was born to fulfill his destiny. (Shadows and Symbols)

Ezri accepts Sisko's offer to remain on Deep Space Nine as counselor, accepting promotion to Lieutenant. She has great difficulty dealing with the memories of her many lives and with how Jadzia's friends treat her. (Afterimage)

Odo learns from one of the Weyoun clones that the Great Link is infected with a dreaded disease. Because he has been isolated from the link, he is not infected. (Treachery, Faith, and the Great River)

Aging Klingon warrior Kor joins the crew of Martog's flagship. When Martog and Worf are injured he briefly takes command but becomes delusional, believing he is fighting a battle of the past. In order to save the ship, he beams to an enemy ship and dies a warrior's death, thus inspiring Martog's crew to victory. (Once More Unto the Breach)

The USS Voyager encounters the Vaadwaur, sleeping in stasis. Seven of Nine impulsively awakens them. They try to capture Voyager but fail, escaping into their subspace corridors. (Dragon's Teeth)

In the Delta Quadrant, the USS Voyager discovers the spatial anomaly that captured the orbiter module from the first Earth-Mars manned mission in 2032. The module is recovered and placed in storage on Voyager to be taken home. (One Small Step)

On Earth, Reginald Barclay becomes obsessed with Voyagerand seeks help from Deanna Troi. He ends up developing a means of occasional communication with Voyager -- just a few minutes each month. (Pathfinder)

Ferengi Starfleet officer Nog receives an injury resulting in the loss of a leg. (The Siege of AR-558)

Dukat becomes the leader of a cult worshiping the Pah Wraiths on the Empok Nor space station. Kira exposes him as a fraud, but he escapes. (Covenant)

When a shuttle carrying Chakotay and other crew members is captured by a hostile Borg ship, Janeway offers a trade for the hostages but soon discovers that her rival ship is manned by a handful of unpredictable but deadly Borg youths intent upon assimilation. Seven of Nine helps subdue them and separate them from the Collective. She becomes their mentor. (Collective)

Kes returns to the ship swearing vengeance against Captain Janeway for reasons that aren't very clear. Her memory has been damaged, but a tape recording of herself made years earlier convinces her that Janeway is not evil. Kes departs for Ocampa to help her people, who are about to lose power once provided by the Caretaker. (Fury)

At Jupiter Station, Doctor Zimmerman is deathly ill. To try to treat him, Voyager's holographic doctor beams his program to the Alpha Quadrant but Zimmerman refuses treatment. Reg Barclay and Deanna Troi discover that Zimmerman is refusing because the holoprogram was deemed a failure by Starfleet and all of the holograms except Voyager's relegated to mining duties. (Lifeline)

Odo meets another of the changelings sent out by the Founders as babies, Laas. Odo eventually decline's Laas' offer to join together to locate the other 98 changelings to create a new Great Link. (Chimera)

Shinzon leads a highly successful combat force of Remans during the Dominion War. (Nemesis)

The Deep Space Nine Finale Episode Arc

Sisko asks Kasidy to marry him. Ezri steals a ship to search for Worf, who is missing on a mission. Finding him, they are soon captured by a Jem'Haddar ship and imprisoned. As the result of several days in prison together, their mixed feelings toward each other evaporate in favor of passion. The condition of the female shapeshifter leading the Dominion forces in the Alpha Quadrant is rapidly deteriorating. Dukat has himself surgically altered to look like a Bajoran and he insinuates himself into the graces of Kai Winn. Sarah tells Sisko in a vision that his greatest trial is about to begin and that he must not marry Kasidy. (Penumbra)

Sisko and Kasidy are married. An alliance is formed between the Dominion and the Breen, providing a powerful new fleet to oppose the Federation alliance. (`Til Death Do Us Part)

Damar, formerly Dukat's lieutenant and now commander of Cardassian forces, realizes that the Dominion alliance with the Breen is not beneficial to Cardassia. Dukat makes progress in leading Winn to worship of the Pah Wraiths. Still in prison, Worf realizes that he does not hold the same feelings for Ezri that he did for Jadzia. She realizes that she has feelings for Bashir, who also is attracted to her. As Worf and Ezri are lead to their execution, Damar helps them escape and sends the message with them that the Federation now has a friend on Cardassia. Winn concludes that she has been abandoned by the Prophets and tells Duket that she is ready to walk the path of the Pah Wraiths and overcome all foes. (Strange Bedfellows)

The Breen attack Starfleet Headquarters on Earth. Dukat tells Winn she must release the Pah Wraiths from their prison in the Fire Caves, deep inside Bajor, by reading an ancient forbidden text. The pages of the book, however, are blank and Winn begins studying to learn how to read them. The Breen launch an offensive in the Chin'toka system. In battle there, The Defiant is destroyed. Sisko and his crew escape. Winn murders an aide who threatens to expose Dukat. Drops of his blood fall on the book and the text is revealed. Rebels under the command of Damar attack the Dominion and Sisko realizes that Damar could be the key to ending the war. (The Changing Face of Evil)

Bashir discovers that Odo is also infected with the Founder's disease. Sisko sends Kira, Garak and Odo on a secret mission to Cardassia to train and work with Damar's troops. Bashir and O'Brien realize that the Founder's disease was created by Section 31 and Bashir vows to find the cure. Dukat is blinded when he looks at the Book, which Winn sees as punishment for defying the Pah Wraiths. Gowron comes to Deep Space Nine to take command of Klingon forces and announces a poorly conceived plan to send dangerously outnumbered Klingon forces into Dominion territory. (When it Rains...)

Kira and Damar's forces sneak onto a Breen ship to find out why Starfleet shields are ineffective against Breek weapons. Martog declines to challenge Gowron's leadership so Worf challenges and kills Gowron. While he could claim the Klingon crown, he declares Martog as the rightful Chancellor of the Klingon council. (Tacking Into the Wind)

Kira brings the seriously ill Odo back to the station. Bashir and O'Brien confront Section 31 agent Sloan, luring him to the station. They use a Romulan mind probe to enter his mind and, just before Sloan dies, they discover the cure to the Founder's Disease. Odo is cured. (Extreme Measures)

The sister ship of the Defiant arrives and is named Defiant II. Kira, Garak and Damar barely escape a Dominion attack and Damar is reported as dead, giving him legendary status on Cardassia. The female shapeshifter orders a strategic retreat of Dominion forces to Cardassian space. The Alpha Quadrant Alliance plans an all-out attack on the new Dominion defensive perimeter in Cardassian space. (The Dogs of War)

The Cardassian resistance is growing and the female shapeshifter orders Cardassian cities destroyed in retaliation. Kira, Garak and Damar plan an invasion of Dominion headquarters on Cardassia in a final desperate effort. The Great fleets meet in all-out combat. As the battle appears to be lost by the Federation, the Cardassian ships change sides and attack the Breen and Jem'Haddar ships. They have learned of the Cardassian resistance and the destruction of Cardassian cities. The Alpha Quadrant forces pursue the Dominion ships back to Cardassia. Damar is killed but Kira and Garak take the female shapeshifter into custody. Because of the disease she can no longer shapechange and cannot escape. Odo beams down from the Defiant and joins with her, curing her disease. She immediately surrenders, knowing that it is the only way to save her people. The surrender documents are signed. Worf becomes Federation ambassador to the Klingon Empire. Back on the station, Sisko has a vision from his mother and abruptly leaves the victory party. Dukat and Winn have entered the Fire Caves. Winn dies and Dukat and Sisko tumble off a cliff into the fire below. Sisko awakes with the Prophets. Sarah assures him that he has completed his task by imprisoning the Pah Wraiths in the Fire Caves. He is a Prophet now, immortal and living outside linear time. He appears to Kasidy, who is pregnant, and assures her that he will return someday. (What You Leave Behind)

O'Brien leaves DSN to teach at Starfleet Academy. Worf leaves to take up his duties as Ambassador. Ezri and Bashir, now a couple, remain on the station. Kira takes Odo to the home planet of the Great Link where he cures his people, remaining with them. Kira returns to Deep Space Nine as its commander. (What You Leave Behind) Quark diversifies and eventually also has an establishment on Freecloud. Mot, formerly the barcer on teh Enterprise, also eventually has a salon on Freecloud (Stardust City Rag).

Seven of Nine discovers that she is one of 20,000 Borg drones who have visited a virtual world while regenerating. The drones do not remember the Unimatrix Zero when they awake and Seven has a lover in the virtual world. The Collective, however, is getting close to discovering how to access the world and the inhabitants contact Seven for help. Meanwhile, Janeway develops a plan to protect Unimatrix Zero and thus create a Borg resistance movement. In executing the plan, Janeway, Torres and Tuvok are assimilated. (Unimatrix Zero)

In the AGT timeline, the Klingon Empire invades the Romulan Empire, and conquers it over the next two years. Spock's diplomatic status is recognized by the Klingons, and he eventually returns to Vulcan. Deanna Troi dies; Riker and Worf are alienated over the Troi/Worf courtship. 


By this date, Shinzon has determined that he is dieing. Because his clone body was intended to be forced-aged, but the procedure was never done, his DNA is deteriorating. He conceives a plan to receive a complete DNA transplant from his alter ego, Picard. (Nemesis)

Possibly as a result of the Romulan involvement on the Dominion War, Shinzon consolidates his power base and strikes a deal with elements in the Romulan military. He secretly builds the Scimitar, a huge warship, and begins laying plans to lure Picard to his death. He also formulates ambitions to make the Remans the ultimate rulers of the Alpha Quadrant. (Nemesis)

The team from Voyager succeeds in injecting a virus into the Borg Collective that allows visitors to Unimatrix Zero to remember their experiences there when they return to the Collective. Janeway, Torres and Tuvok are protected from assimilation by a treatment developed by the doctor. Several Borg ships are freed from the Collective and attack the Borg Queen. Seven's lover is among those freed, but he is all the way across the galaxy from her. (Unimatrix Zero II)

Three of the four Borg children leave Voyager, to Seven's consternation. Icheb remains. (Imperfection)


Worf concludes that he is not cut out for the life of a diplomat and resigns his ambassador's post. He accepts reassignment on the USS Enterprise.

In the AGT timeline, Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Picard are divorced. He accepts an appointment as ambassador to the Klingon Empire, and surrenders command of the USS Enterprise. Worf assumes his family's seat on the Klingon Council, surrendering his Starfleet Commission. William T. Riker is promoted to Captain of the Enterprise

Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres are married. Soon after, she discovers she is pregnant.

B'Elanna Torres begins to come to terms with her father, who left her mother abruptly when B'Elanne was young. (Lineage)

Voyager meets a Klingon ship that left the Alpha Quadrant generations earlier. The occupants of the ship become convinced that the unborn daughter of Tom and B'Elanna Torres is a prophesied savior of the Klingon people. They destroy their ship and Voyager gives them refuge. Later they agree to take up residence on a nearby habitable planet. (Prophesy)

Seven of Nine and Chakotay begin a relationship.

Q visits Voyager with his son, who now appears to be and acts like a teenager. Captain Janeway helps them reconcile and bridge their generation gap. (Q2)

Mark I Emergency Medical Holograms, now relegated to mining and other low level duties, receive a copy of a holoprogram written by Voyager's holographic doctor. (Author, Author)

Voyager locates the remains of Friendship One, a warp probe sent out from Earth. The Voyager crew learns that the databases on the probe have destroyed the civilization of the people who located it. (Friendship One)

Voyager locates a Talaxian colony located on an asteroid. Neelix helps the Talaxians drive off miners who plan to destroy their asteroid. He decides to leave Voyager and stay with the colony, although he remains in contact with Voyager via communicaitions systems. He rapidly becomes fond of a Talaxian woman, Dexa, and her son, Brax. He begins wooing Dexa. (Homestead)

Admiral Janeway returns 28 years from the alternate Endgame timeline to help her younger self get Voyager home sooner than in her timeline, using Borg transwarp conduits. The Admiral sacrifices herself in order to infect the Borg Queen with a virus that causes the destruction of the Unimatrix One core of the Borg hive mind. Captain Janeway gets Voyager home, but not until after the ship is enveloped by a Borg sphere and destroyed by Voyager from within with futuristic weapons provided by the Admiral. (Endgame)

The Borg collective is not completely destroyed, but their ability to criss-cross the galaxy is greatly reduced. (Ready Room-02)

Shortly after returning Voyager home, Kathryn Janeway is promoted to Admiral. (Nemisis)

Icheb enters Starfleet Academy after passing the Starfleet entrance exam while on Voyaer. Seven of Nine comes to consider him to be a son. (Stardust City Rag).

Seven of Nine eventually joins the Fenris Rangers, working to maintain order in the
Qiris sector (Absolute Candor). She considers that her mission is to help people who have no one else to help them (Stardust City Rag).

The power left behind for the Ocampa by the Caretaker is exhausted, and the Ocampa people are forced to survive on their own, in spite of the hostile forces of the Kazon. 


Deanna Troi and Wil Riker are married. Picard encounters Shinzon, a clone of Picard who now leads the Reman people and who has recently committed a coup, taking control of the Romulan government. Shinzon's ship, Scimitar, and Enterprisebattle. Moments before Scimitar emits a radiation burst that would kill everyone on Enterprise, Data disrupts the radiation beam. The Scimitar is destroyed with Data and Shinzon on board. Enterprise, which rams Scimitar, is refitted in spacedock at Earth.

Shortly before Data goes to the Scimitar, he download his positronic network into the less-sophisticated android B4, but B4 is not viable. (Remberance)

Troi and Riker transfer to the USS Titan, enroute to Romulus with a Federation task force to open peace talks.

it is not acknowledged at the time, but Romulan scientists likely already know of the signs that their sun is likely to go supernova - the signs must have been present for hundreds or thousands of years, if not longer. (Picard makes clear it was the Romulan sun, not a star in another star system)

As a result of the thaw on relations between the Romulans and the Federation, Spock is able to come out of hiding and join the diplomatic delegation from the Federation. (Star Trek)

In the AGT timeline, Geordi LaForge and newly single Leah Brahams are married and have their first child. He decides to give up his VISOR, in favor of cloned eyes. He also begins writing fiction. Two more children follow. 

Possible around now, the Romulan parents of Narissa and Narek die and their aunt Ramdha takes them in and raises them (Broken Pieces).


The Pakleds have powerful ships assembled from components of the ships is several species. In addition to trying to capture Starfleet ships, they begin attacking outpost worlds. (Lower Decks)

Thaddeus "Thad" Troi-Riker is born, named for his father's distant ancestor Colonel Thaddeus Riker, who during the American Civil War, served for the Union in the 102nd New York Infantry Regiment. Thad is raised on a starship and becomes fascinated with the idea of other people having homeworlds. As a result, he soon invents a fantasy home world for himself, Ardani, and twelve artificlal languages that he pretends are indigenous to the world (Napenthe).


Starfleet concludes that the Pakled attacks on outpost words are to acquire Varuvian Ore for a third party. The ore can be made into a powerful explosive by terrorists. (Kayshon, his eyes open). Captain Freeman, of the USS Cerritos, tricks a Pakled spy into revealing a plan to smuggle a Varubian Ore bomb to Earth (The Spy Humongus). But when the Pakled planet explodoes, Freeman is accused of the crime (First First Contact) but is acquitted).

Admiral Buenamigo attempts to develop  class of starthips operated by AI. It was he who secretly used Rutherford's code and then erased Rutherford's memory.  The problem is that the AI uses Rutherford's "Badgy" code, which is hostile to humans.  Mariner who has temporarily left Starfleet out of conflict with her mother, hears the distress cal and summons all of the California Class ships to defeat the Texas Class AI ships.

Nick Locarno recruits disaffected crew members from multiple species with a deranged plan to avenge himselffrom being expelled from Starfleet Academy. Bold action by the Cerritos crew stops him.


A starship from an alternate reality opend a series of quantum rifts, attempting to explore other realities, but accidentally threatens all realities. Bold action by the Cerritos crew contiins the riftrs into one, which remains permanently open. The decrepit Starbase 80 is moved to the rift, where its older technology will protect it. Captain Carole Freeman takes command of other realities. Rancom becomes captail of Cerritos and makes boimler and Mariner co-provisional first officers, comcluding the Lower Decks series.

The USS Protostar, under Captain Chakotay, travels 50 year into the future via a temporal vortex and makes first contnact with the Vau N'Akat on planet Solem.  Chakotay and crew are taken captive, but manage to send Protostar back through the vortex, unmanned.  Vau N'Akat follow and one, The Diviner, comes out in the year 2366. The Diviner somehow tracks Protostar to Tars Lamora and begins a massive mining effort to find it using young people from many species he acquires against their will. He keeps them under control by preventing them from communicating with each other.

A group of the young aliens being held on a prison planet escape by reactivating a derelict federation ship, the USS Protostar. The overloard of the prison planet, The Diviner, vows to recapture the ship. He has traveled back in time to present a First Contact from Starfleet that lled to devastation of his  plant from civil war. The ship's Emergency Training Hologram, in the shape of Admiral Kathryn Janeway, guides the teens (Lost and Found). They discover the ship's very fast protostar drive, which propells them 4,000 light years from the Delta quadrant to the Gamma Quadrant (Terror Firma). They begin to decide classified data about the original mission of the USS Protostar (Kobayashi). The new Protostar crew makes the ethical decision to return to Tars Lamora and rescue the other captives. The Diviner briefly captures the Protostar, but is overcome when Zero, a Medusan, drives The Diviner mad by revealing his unproteced self. The young people learn of The Diviner's mission.and set courst to find Starfleet. (A Moral Star 1 & 2)

They discover a weapon on Protostar called "the Living Construct" that can function like a virus to infect all Starfeet ships through communiction circuits.  Protostar, therefore, cannot communicate with Starfleet, which becomes a problem when Vice Admiral Janeway catches up with them at the Neutral Zone.  Protostar manages to disguize itself and eher the zone, but Janeway in USS Dauntless cannot, for fear of provoing interstellat war. We learn that a second Vau N'Akat has arrived recently and infintrated Janeway's crew. On Tars Lamora, Janeway recoved The Diviner, who has partially lost his memory.  The second Vau N'Akat, The Vindicator, unveild hersenf and the two of them take Janeway captive.

The Borg cube ship that will eventually become a Romulan Free State Reclaimation site experiences its last assimilation. Presumably it is damaged and found at some point by the Romulans and comes to be treated as a Borg artifact research facility by 2399. When a cube undergoes submatrix collapse, as this cube apparently did, the rest of the collective severs its link to the ship, assuming that it is a graveyard. Over at least the next two years, Borg drones enter regeneration stasis, where they remain indefinately. (Maps and Legends). The final Romulan assimilated by the cube was Ramdha, from the Imperial scout ship Shaenor, and she is an expert in Romulan myth (The End is the Beginning).

Sometime around here, the Romulan goverenment asks the Federation for help because their sun is showing signs of going supernova. Plans are developed to build 10,000 warp-capable ferries to evacuate the Romulan worlds that would be affected. Picard leaces command of the Enterprise to coordinate the effort from the USS Verity, with Raffi Musiker as his resourceful and idealistic first officer.

Sometime around here, Picard meets Thad Riker and finds him already speaking made-up languages (Nepenthe).


Via many complicated temporal twists and turns, the Prodigy cadets rescue Chakotay and undo the events that caused war among the Vau N'Akat and led to the destruction of Solum. With help from Travler Wesley Crusher, they restore the timeline.


The star in the Romulas-Remus system gives growing evidence of going supernova, threatening billions of species in the Beta Quadrant in its burst radius.. The Romulans ask the Federation for help and Jean-Luc Picard leads a massive relief effort, leaving the USS Enterprise to command the effort. Picard addresses the Romulan Hall of State, promising assitance. Construction is begun on 10,000 warp-capable ferries in order to relocate nine million Romulan citizens. Picard thinks of it as similar to the British Dunkirk evacuation from contimental Europe in World War II. The supernova would presumably affect multiple Romulan worlds in nearby star sytems, as well as Rumulus and Remus.

Evacuation efforts begin, using huge Wallenberg-class transports and Picard overseeing the voluntary relocation of q quarter of a million Romulans to the planet Vashti, in the Qiris sector, using a transport ship named Nightengale. Picard begins a friendship with Elnor, an orphan boy living with the Qowat Milat sect of warrior nuns on Vashti. There are also Terrans on Vashti and over time, inter-species relations cool and ethnic strike grows. The Qowat Milat warrior nuns patrol to help keep th piece. The Romulans on Vashtio blame Picard for faling to keep his promises, leading the Romulan people to be confused, scattered, and divided (Absolute Candor).

Starfleet shuts down is exploration mission, but it is determined that the newly-build successor to the USS Protostar is only suitable for exploration, so Admiral Janeway receives special permission to send off the Prodigies in the new Protostar to explore, with Gwyn as captain.

A group of Zhat Vash nuns receive the psychic legacy of the civilization that had inhabited the Eightfold Stars, calling it the Admonition. Included are Oh, who is half-Romulan and half-Vulcan, Narissa, and Ramdha. At some point not long after, possibly the return trip, a Borg cube assimilates a Tal Shiar ship carrying Ramdha, but Narissa later says that Ramdha "broke" the Borg cube by the shear force of her dispair. Oh travels to Earth as a mole and burrows into Starfleet, becomig Chief of Security (Broken Pieces).

But while Picard is on Vashti, "rogue synthetics" attack Mars, where the Synths had been working on the ferry construction fleet, dropping the planetary defense shields and hacking the Mars defense net. The Utopia Planetia shipyard is destroyed and the rescue armada wiped out. Over 92,000 lives are lost. Flamable vapors in the Mars stratosphere are ignited and the atmosphere burns for years (still burning in 2399). A synthetic named F8 lowers the shields, allowing the attack, and then commits suicide (Maps & Legends). It later becomes known that a Rumulan agent, Commodore Oh, who has infiltrated the highest levels of Starfleet Command, ordered the attack (Picard).

Synthetics are banned by the Federation, and the Federation member worlds decide that they do not have the resources to help Romulus (Rememberance, Ready Room-01). Picard is never able to return to Vashti (Absolute Candor). Any synths who survive the attack retreat to a secret home world. Bruce Maddox leaves he Daystrom Institute for a secret world where he continues his AI work.

Bruce Maddox leaves Earth, traveling in secret to Coppelius, the fourth planet in the Ghulion System where he and ______Soong produce a race of sentient andriods, based on Data's neural network and more advanced than the synths that had been produced at the Daystrm Institute. .

Picard develops an alternate plan, using reserve officers, mothballed ships and synthtic labor, but Starfleet refuses. Feeling that the Federation and Starfleet have betrayed their values, Picard threatens to resign if Starfleet does not accept the plan, but they accept his resignation and he retires bitterly from Starfleet after more than 50 years of service, returning home to LeBarre, France, to tend the vinyards, as his father had always hoped. (2019 Comicon "Starfleet Museum" display).

Raffaela "Raffi" Musiker, Picard's former first officer from the USS Verity, which he commanded during the Romulan emergency (Press accounts) is fired and ends up living in the futuristic equivalent of a mobile home near Vasquez Rocks, California. She is haunted by her past, struggles with the loss of her commission, and feels betrayed by Picard (The End is the Beginning, Ready Room-3). She resorts to drugs and is estranged from her son, Gabriel Hwang, who feels she had not been there for him and that she had been afflicted by conspiracy theory about the attack on Mars. She believes that she has evidence that something called the Conclave of Eight was responsible and that the attack was not what it seemed (Stardust City Rag).

It will be said in 2399 that Narek has been studying androids all his adult life.
This study may have begun when the androids destroyed the Federation evacuation fleet (Absolute Candor).

Kestra Troi-Riker is born, preaumably on the USS Titan (Napenthe - based on the age of actress Lulu Wilson).


The Romulan supermova. The shockwave from the supernova destroys Romulus, and presumably Remus. Ambassador Spock unsuccessfully attempts to halt the shockwave using "Red Matter" to absorb it and make a black hole. His ship and a Romulan mining ship are pulled into the black hole, exiting 25 years apart in the past in the "Kelvan" alternate timeline, but the supernova is not halted (Star Trek).

The Romulan Neutral Zone "collapses" (Stardust City Rag). The Romulan Free State still exerts jurisdiction over the space of the Romulan Star Empire, which extends into the Beta Quadrant (The Impossible Box). Spock's teaching about the eventual reunification of the Vulcan and Romulan people is not forgotten (Unification III)

The Romulan Free State occupies a wrecked Borg cube as a "Reclaimation Base" and research center. Scientists from the Federation are allowed to work on the cube. Soji eventually makes her way to this facility. (Rememberance) Workers from other worlds join them in salvaging the cube and converting the former Borg drones by removing their Borg implants. These disconnected Borg are called "xBs."

At some point, Romulan secret agent Commodore Oh becomes chief orf Starfleet Security, posing as a Vulcan. Another Romulan, disguised as a human named Rizo, becomes one of her subordinates (Maps and Legends).

Icheb, a "young science officer on leave from the the USS Coleman", works with the Fenris Rangers to try to preserve order. Bjayzl pretends to support the Rangers, but discovers Icheb,s history and captures him while he is doing recon near Daimanta. Seven of Nine attempts to rescue Icheb, whose remaining Borg implants are being harvested by Bjayzl, but he is mortally wounded and in great pain. She reluctantly agrees to his request to end his suffering via phaser blast (Stardust City Rag),
In the AGT timeline, Jean-Luc Picard also retires, and returns home to LeBarre, France, to tend the vinyards, as his father had always hoped. Geordi LaForge and other friends attend his retirement party. Beverly Picard is named Captain of the medical ship USS Pasteur. Relations between the Klingon/Romulan Empire and the Federation cool, and return to a cold war footing.

In the AGT timeline, the first Nova Class starships come on line, replacing the Galaxy Class as Starfleet's primary ships-of-the-line. 


In the Vayt sector, the NCC-75710 USS ibn Majid starship encounters two representative of an unknown species and invites then aboard for first contact. the male ambassador calle himself Beautiful Flower and his female aid is Jana. It will later be learned that they are synths. Captain Alonzo Vandermeer reports the contact to Starfleet and is instructed by Starfleet Security (Commodore Oh) to kill the aliens, which he does and then kills himself. The mission is classified and erased from Starfleet records. Cristobal "Chris" Rios, executive officer, has strong feelings for Jana, possibly a romantic atrtraction. Rios considers Vandrmeer to be a father figure andcovers up the killing, reporting that Vandermeer killed himself for no known reason. He feels he must do this to keep the ibn Majid from being destroyed. Within six months, Rios has post-traumatic dysphoria and is discharged from Starfleet (Broken Pieces) and ends up owning an "unregistered starship", the freighter La Sirena, which has five emergency holograms who look exactly like Rios, including the EEN engineering hologram Ian who speaks with a Scottish accent, the EMH medical hologram Emil with an English accent, the hospitality hologram Mister Hospitality, the ENH navigation hologram Enoch with an Irish accent, and the ETH Tactical hologram Emmit who speaks Spanish and is usually hung over. It is considered that each prepresents broken pieces of the actual Captain Rios' personality (The End is the Beginning). ibn Majid was a famous Arabian cartographer and navigator, born in the 1430s. He helped Vasco da Gama navigate from Africa to India. According to show-runner Michael Chabon, the ibn Majid is a Curiosity-Class heavy cruiser It is possibly a variation on the Soverign Class..

Two expatriot Romulans, Laris and Zhaban, begin serving as caretakers at Chateau Picard, taking care of Picard as he ages. In reality, they are Tal Shiar agents, or former agents. (Rememberance)

In an alternate timeline, Chakotay and Harry Kim in the stolen Delta Flyer signal Seven of Nine 15 years into the past, preventing an accident with an experimental use of the Slipstream Drive that would have caused Voyager to crash on an ice planet at the edge of the Alpha Quadrant. Captain Geordi LaForge of the USS Challenger attempts to stop the Delta Flyer from changing the timeline (Timeless).


Romulan survivors of the supernova in their star system form the Romulans Free State sometime around now, with limited relations with the Federation. One of their projects is salvaging of a derelict Borg cube ship and removing implants from former Borg drones still on board, i.e. reclaimation (Maps and Legends). Borg implants, when removed from former drones, are found to be very valuable and a black market emerges (Stardust City Rag).

In the AGT timeline, William T. Riker is promoted to Admiral, and assigned command of Starbase 247, along the troubled border with the Klingon/Romulan Empire. He selects the USS Enterprise D, scheduled for decommissioning, as his flagship, and the ship is refitted with a third warp nacelle, engines capable of warp 13, and augmented weapons. Data accepts a teaching position at Cambridge University in this timeline, and takes up residence in the house once occupied by Sir Issac Newton. 


Sometime around now
the Qiris secor becomes dangerous with a power vacuum sllowing smugglers and petty warlords like Kar Kantar to basically run the show. Kantar gets his hands on an antique Romulan Bird of Prey. The Fenris Rangers struggle to main order, but they do not have the resources to keep up with the chaos. Vashti ialso becomes a center for the Romulan Rebirth Movement (Absolute Candor).

In the alternate Endgame timeline, Voyager finally returns home, 23 years after being pulled into the Delta Quadrant, without Seven of Nine, who dies on the way, leaving Chakotay heartbroken from their relationship in this tmeline (Endgame).

Sometime around this year or later, Thaddeus Troi-Riker is diagnosed with mendaxic neurosclerosis, caused by a silicon-based virus. The condition is fatal, unless treated by culturing cells in an active positronic matrix, but due to the synthetic ban, done are available. His parents retire and relocate to Napenthe because of reported restorative properties in the soil (althogh Wil, at least, remains a reserve officer. But Thad dies, leaving a considerable hole in the lives of his parents, Deanna and Will, and his younger sister. Kestra bonds with Captain Rupert Crandall, owner of the private Inside Straight starship, based at the Infinity Lake Spaceport on Napenthe. In tribute to Tnad, Kestra perpetuates Thad's Ardani fantasy, dressing as a "Wild Girl of the Woods" for her hunting expeditions. Kestra and her parents sometimes communicate in one of Thad's inventrd languages, particularly if they wish to hide what they are saying from others (Nepenthe).


In his secret lab, Bruce Maddox creates two flesh-and-blood androids, Dahj and Soji Ashe, using neurons from Data, as preserved in B4. They are implanted with false memories and complete false identities are created. The y have an "embedded Mum AI" to simulate phoning home. Soji believes that she is an anthropoligist by training (Maps and Legends). Dahj believes that she is an AI specialist. Maddox sends Dahj to Earth and Soji to tjhe Borg Cube Artifact to "find the truth" about the ban on androids after the attack on Mars. He considers that there are "lies upon lies", that something is being hidden, and that the Tal Shiar as well as the Federation are involved in the conspiracy (Stardust City Rag).

Terran passenger lists in Romulan records show that Soji shipped out on the Ellison to the derelict Borg cude in the Beta Quadrant on May 12, 2396, but there are no independent records verifying the she was actually onboard (Absolute Candor). Maddox has been continuing his work via a significant loan from Bjayzl, but his lab is destroyed and he goes into hiding, eventually making his way to Freecloud. He has reason to believe that the attack was by the Tal Shiar (Stardust City Rag).

In the AGT timeline, Jean-Luc Picard makes his final starship voyage, to the Deveron system, in the former Romulan Neutral Zone, aboard the USS Pasteur, where he inadvertantly triggers creation of a space/time anamoly which extends backward in time, preventing the creation of life on Earth. USS Enterprises from 2396, 2370 and 2364 converge on the anamoly and dissipate it.


The flesh-and-blood android Dahj and her boyfriend are attacked in Boston by Romulans, presumably by the Tal Shiar, controlled by the Zhat Vash, a secret organization hidden deep within Romulan culture that abhores artificial intelligence. Her programming is "triggered" and she kills the Romulans, fleeing, at the same time seeing visions of Picard. She tracks him down to Chateau Picard, then accosts him again later, while he is visiting the Starfleet Quantum Archive. He realizes that she possesses a positronic neuron net derived from Data (likely from his programming left in B4), but she dies defending Picard from attacking Romulans. At the Daystrom Institute, Okinawa, Picard discovers from Dr. Agnes Jurati that the Synths that attacked Mars were built there, and that the process developed by Bruce Maddox required creation of two androids at a time. Picard thus realizes that Soji exists and is probably in danger. (Rememberance) Dajh's identity turns out to be no more than three years old, with many records going back further, but no evidence that she actually existed earlier. The Romulan agent Narek, who has been studying AI all his career, begins to seduce Soji to discover what she knows about Maddox in order to destroy all androids (Maps and Legends, Absolute Candor).

Former aid Raffi tells Picard that she has evidence that a high-ranked Starfleet officer gave permission for the synth attack on Mars to go forward. She does not want to get involved, but she finds a pilot for Picard, Cristobal "Chris" Rios, and locates Bruce Maddox on Freecloud. Picard recruits Rios to seek out Maddox. Zhat Vash agents attack Chateau Picard, but are defeated. Agnes Jurati joins the expedition to find Maddox after Commodore Oh reveals the psychic vision of the Adminition to her. Raffi is also on the ship, but refuses to be considiered part of Picard's crew. Ramdha senses that Soji is one of the two sisters, one of whom dies, and calls her "The Destroyer" as does a dying Romulan at Chateaux Picard (The End is the Beginning).

Enroute, the La Sirena stops at Vashti and Picard recruits the adult Elnor to join his quest, but the La Serena is attacked by a TOS-vintage Romulan bird-of-prey controlled by warlord Kar Kantor. Another ship arrives and helps defends La Sirena. Moments before it is destroyed, Seven of Nine is beamed aboard the La Sirena. Soji learns of the Romulan legend of the Destroyer, at whose call all the shakled demonds break their chains, leading to the end of everything (Absolute Candor).

Picard and company locate Bruce Maddox, hiding out in Stardust City, Freecloud, in the Alpha Doradus System after his secret lab is destroyed, likely by Tal Shiar. Bjayzl, seeks repayment of her loan, but when learning of his situation, she captures him, intending to sell him to the Tal Shiar. Picard's crew discovers this and creates a caper to get Maddox free,p retending to offer Seven of Nine in exchange for Maddon, knowing that Bjayzl would greatly value Seven's Borg implants. After Maddox is rescued and on Le Sirena, Seven returns to Freecloud and kills Bjayzl, saying "this is for him (Icheb)." Agnes Jurati kills Maddox, her former lover, in his sickbay bed, regretfully saying "I wish you knew what I know. I wish I didn't know what I know. I wish they hadn't shown me. I'm so sorry." Raffi visits her son, who is on Freecloud, married to a Romulan woman, and working at the Stardust City Medical Center, but he rejects her and she returns to La Sirena (Stardust City Rag).

Agnes lies about the cause of death of Maddox, but is greatly troubled by what she felt she needed to do. Picard encounters Soji on the Artifact, with help from Hugh, but Soji is activated following an attempt tp kill her by Narek. She knows that she is not what she seems and that all of her memories and possessions are 37 months old. She has dreamed of herself, as a child, on a planet with two dark red moons and continuous lightning. Picard convinces her to trust him while they are under attack by Romulan troops. She and Picard use a Sikarian "Spatial Trajector" transporter in the Borg Queen's cell to beam to Nepenthe, leaving La Sirena to follow by conventional warp (The Impossible Box).

They go to Nepenthe, leaving Elnor behind on the Borg cube to protetct Hugh, but Hugh is killed in a confrontation with Narissa, Narek's sister and spymaster. Elnor runs for his life and ends up in Hugh's quarters, where he tfinds a talisman to call the Fenris Rangers. Deanna, Will and Kestra Troi-Riker help Picard and Soji emotionally while La Sierna evades pursuit by Narek and follows to Nepenthe. With the help of Kestra and Rupert Crandall, Picard learns the apparent homeworld of the Synths, where Soji was created. The Kazinti, a sentient species of biped felines, has been causing trouble in the Nepenthe area, causing residents to have shields and sensors for their homes (Nepenthe).

Picard and Soji arrive on La Sirena, but Rios recognized Sijo as looking just like Jana, who he saw killed. La Sirena heads for Starbase 12, where the C-in-C has dispatched a squadron of hips to rendesvous with Picard. Seven of Nine arrives to save Hugh, but finds Elnor. She uses the Borg Queen's Cell to take control of teh cube, causing it to regenreate. Nerissa orders thousands of Borg drones in stasis ejected into space and kills most of the living xBs. Seven of Nine connects to the Borg ship and reactivated the xBs to take contro og th cube. Narissa beams out at the last second to the Romulan fleet that is heading for the Eightfold stars. Seven disconnects from the cube, saying "Annika still has work to do." Raffi questions each of the ship's holograms, each of which knows a tiny part of that happened on the USS ibn Majid, then gets Rios to confess to what happened. Picard and company come to understand the bigger picture. Learning this Soji is determined to return to her home in the Vyat sector. La Sirena enters a Borg Transwarp Conduit, and is followed by another ship. (Broken Pieces).

Having traveled 25 light years in 15 minutes, LaSierna beats the Romulan fleet to Coppelius. Narek follows, in his "Snakehead" ship and attacks. Seven brings the Borg Cube through the transwarp conduit, as well. All three ships are attacked by "giant flowers" called "orchids" launched from the planet, which disable the ships and crash them on the surface of Coppelius. La Sirena is not heavily damaged, but power is out. Agnes discovers Picards brain abnormality. The crew heads for the small colony, Coppelius Station, stopping at the brog Cube, where Seven, Elnor, and many xBs have survived and are bringing systems back on line, but Seven and Elnor stay to protect the xBs. 218 Romulan warbirds are detected incoming, but still hours away. At Coppelius Station, the crew finds many synths, often existing in pairs. At first they welcome Soji back. Arcana greets them, calling Soji and Picard by name (Data's captain). Many have slightly golden complections, like Data. A human, Dr. Altan Inigo Soong joins them, the son of Data's creator Noonian Soong. He worked with Maddox to create the synths and the "orchids." Soong says that the ban brought out the deceptive, devious side of Maddox. They are joined by Sutra, Jana's sister, who sayd Soji may have saved them all, even while bringing trouble. Sutra sees the Adminition by mindmeld with Agnes and concludes that it is intended for synth minds. Life bgins and organic life created synthstic life, but organics see their creations as a threat and seek to destroy them. There is an alliance of synthetic life that protects synths across the unierse from harm by organics. Summon them and they will come to make organiz life extinct. Sutra is determined to call for help. Narek is captured. Sutra frees Narek and in the process, Saga is killed, Arcana's twin. Picard cannot reach Starfleet Command. The synths have Picard placed under house arrest (Et in Arcadia Ego, Part I).

Sutra and Soji prepare to complete the beacon to summon the ancient AI intelligence. Narek builds a temporary alliance with the crew members repairing La Sirena. they attempts to blow up the beacon, but fail. Narissa attempts to use weapons on the Borg ship, but Seven fights with her and pushes her off a high balcony, killing her. Picard and Raffi take La Sirena (repaired by a fundamental field replicator with a neurophotanic interface provided by the synths) into space to try to persuade to Rumulan fleet to stand down.The Romulan fleet of 218 warbirds arrives at Coppelius as the Synths begin transmitting for help. A squadron of Starfleet ships also arrives, Acting Captain William Riker on the flagship USS Zheng He (which Riker calls the toughest, fastest, most powerful ship Starfleet has ever put into service, accompanied by a fleet of the same class ships). Riker announces that Coppelius is now under the protection of the Federation, as previously requested in a subspace message by Picard. During a tense standoff, the beacon triggers an intespatial portal, and something begins emerging, but Picard convinces Soji to stop the transmission and close the portal, demonstrating that she is NOT the Destroyer. The fact of her stepping back from the destruction of human life, and the Admonition, causes the Romulan fleet to depart. Dr. Soong has deactivated Sutra, because she killed Saga. The stress causes Picad to die from his brain condition, but at the last moment, his memory is scanned, mapped, and transferred to be installed in a synth body (with no special augmentations), which had been in preparation for Dr. Soong to inhabit in his old age. The remaining consciousness of Data which is in Soong's computer is allowed to disappate, at his own request. The crew of La Sirena, including Soji amd Seven of Nine, warp off to new adventures with Picard in defacto command (Et in Arcadia Ego, Part II).


A Borg ship comes through a wormhole and requests membership in the Federation, but the Borg Queen also attempts to take control of the assembled Starfleet ships. Picard, on the new USS Stargazer, triggers auto-destruct to stop her, but he wakes up in a xenophobic authoritarian alternate timeline, along with Seven of Nine, Raffi, Rios, Elnor and Juratti. They use La Sirena to warp around the sun to travel back in time to 2024 and by the skin of their teeth, prevent the change that caused the xenophobic authoritarian alternate timeline. It turns out that the Borg Queen is Agnes Juratti, merged with a Queen captured in the alternate timeline and she uses the combined shields of all the Starfleet ships present to stop an explosion from a technobabble space phenomenon. She requests provisional Federation membership and promisies to stay and monitor the anomoly. (Picard Season 2)

Jurati does not represent the entire Borg collective but rather the subset influenced by Jurati. The rest of the Collective is still out there, presumably trying to recover from the damage done by Janeway in 2377, or possibly all Borg shis are disconnected, struggling to survive. (Picard Season 3)

Jean-Luc Picard receives a distress call from Beverly Crusher some 20 years after their last contact. Picard and Wil Riker divert the USS Titan to the Ryton system, at the edge of Federation space, with help from first officer Seven of Nine and over the objections of the Titan's captain, Shaw. There they find Beverly, in medical stasis, a young man, Jack, who is her son. The Crushers' ship comes under attack by a warship commanded by Vadic, a renegade Dominion changelings. Finally escaping from Vadic, the USS Intrepid rendezvous with Titan, and Picard is questioned by Commander Ro Laren of Starfleet Intelligence, who reveals her suspicions that Changelings have infiltrated the highest levels of Starfleet Command. Worf has been working for her and has encountered Raffi, which is searching for the culprits who stole something from a Daystrom Institute vault. Ro sacrifices herself (unless she beams out of here suuttle before is crashes) to allow Titan to escape, try to solve the mystery, and uncover the conspiracy, which turns out to be a Borg attack on Earth, using DNA that was modified when Picard was assimilated 35 years earlier, and that he passed on to his son, Jack. Because all starfleet ships are now networked, Picard and his old crew resurect the Enterprise D, which was recovered from Veridian III and which Geordi has been rebuilding for 20 years in secret. (Picard Season 3 )

As the Enterprise D approaches the Sol system, it detects a Borg cube at Jupiter and goes there. The cube is hovering inside Jupiter’s Great Red Spot and it is only 36% operable. It is clear that there is a spinny thing inside that is amplifying the signals from Jack, who is fully Borgified and through him, the remains of the collective is directing the attack on Earth that has caused all Starfleet members younger than age 25 to become Borg (without the hardware apliances) through him. Beverly’s scans detect Jack. Picard, Riker and Worf beam onto the Borg cube and find that most of the drones are dead, being consumed to power the spinny thing. Picard heads off to rescue Jack while Riker and Worf go to find where the spinny thing is.

Meanwhile, Seven, Raffi, and a few other crew who are older than 25 retake the Titan bridge and control of the ship. Because they cannot be detected while the Titan’s cloaking device is active, they engage in hit-and-run attacks to try to divert the fleet’s focus from Earth.

Picard finds Jack and a Borg Queen, who is obviously in tough shape. Picard plugs himself into the Borg system and persuades Jack to use his will power to leave the collective. Riker and Worf find a control system that tells them that the spinny thing is in the exact center of the cube. Although there is doubt as to whether they can succeed, Enterprise plunges into the Borg ship and maneuvers to the center, piloted by Data. They face the ethical dilemma that destroying the swirly thing will result in destruction of the cube, meaning the deaths of Picard, Riker, Worf and Jack, because there’s too much interference to just beam them off. But it’s what needs to be done. They fire and in the minute or so before the entire cube explodes, the interference drops, Deanna pilots Enterprise to where she senses Riker is, and all four are beamed up so that Enterprise can escape the Borg cube explosion. All the Starfleet members who are being controlled by the Borg are release and Starfleet figures out how to remove the Borg DNA from their system, also catching the remaining changelings in the process.

In the aftermath, Admiral Tuvok promotes Seven to Captain of the Titan and Raffi receives a positive overture from her son, Jack is accepted in Starfleet on an accelerated track, and the USS Titan is renamed the USS Enterprise G, with Seven as Captain, Raffi as First Officer, and Jack as a special advisor to the captain..


Picard, Riker and Geordi inspecting the Enterprise D, on display in the fleet museum, and powering the ship down. The Titan renamed the USS Enterprise G, with Captain Seven in command, Raffi as first officer and Jack and Sidney as crew. The original Enterprise D command team celebrate in Guinan’s Los Angeles 10-Forward bar, playing poker.

Jack is visited in his Enterprise G quarters by Q, who is not dead, and who says while Picard’s trial is over, Jack’s is just beginning.

In the alternate Endgame timeline, in which Voyager took 23 years to reach home (in 2392), Admiral Janeway returns to 2376 to help her shipmates return home earlier than in her timeline. She employs a tachyon pulse and shields based on Borg technology, which is advanced even in her era (Endgame). The Borg technology may have come, directly or indirectly, from the derelict Borg cube in Romulan space known as "The Artifact." (Picard).